Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Finally a good couple of weeks

It looks like things are starting to turn around for me. Finally. After a crappy end of 2016 and even shittier start to 2017, things are looking up. W is talking with me again and we have a date set up for this coming Friday 1/20/2017. The day democracy dies in the USA. What do I care? I'm going to be in the Microsoft Theater in Downtown L.A. watching Blazing Saddles and hearing a Q&A session with the legendary Mel Brooks. What a fitting way to spend Trump's inauguration day.

And if that's not enough two more pieces of good news this week, first, even though I scored a new contract after 4 months or so of unemployment back in Dec of 2016, I knew the money wasn't enough to  accomplish what I need to do to move out. So a client I turned down last Sept. while I was working on getting hired for a full time direct position that got pulled at the last minute in year end budget cuts, came back and wanted to know if I was still interested. The rate is almost 50% over what I'm currently making + travel expenses and I said yes. I reinterviewed and got the offer for the position.

So it looks like for the first time in a decade I'm going to a road warrior again. That's the primary downside. The extra money will allow me to pay off my debt and put money back into my now depleted retirement account. Who knows, I might be able to buy a couple of things for W. I do know that I'm going to fly her out to my work location as often as she allows me to.

And to top it off, last night I went to an interesting event that I never expected to see in my lifetime. One of my favorite composers/electronic musicians  had a Q&A and signing for his new CD in L.A. there he announced a North American concert tour, including a final show in L.A. Considering that Jean Michel Jarre has only played one concert in the US back in 1986 in Houston,  this is something I never thought I'd experience unless I flew to Europe to see him play. Nope I will get to see him here in So. Cal.

Here's a piece from the album Rendez-Vous entitled Last Rendez-Vous (Ron's Piece). It's one of my favorites and one reason is that the late astronaut Ron McNair was supposed to play this piece from space for the Houston concert. unfortunately he died along with the rest of the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger when it blew up shortly after launch.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So now with all the good fortune happening around me, I'm looking pensively around corners looking for the "Gotcha" that inevitably follows my good fortune.