Monday, October 24, 2016

Jury duty

Today I had to go into Riverside for jury duty. This experience has been enlightening about some aspects of my personality.

I have always self identified as an introvert.  Parties with people I don't know tend to drain me.  People who know me, havd seen me sitting on the side observing rather than being in the center of the action.

But recently I have been much more... I hesitate to use the term outgoing, but more open than usual to starting conversations with total strangers. 

Today for example, while in line waiting to enter the court house,  I struck up a conversation with  a young nursing student &  a guy who works construction.  We all sat together and talked about a lot of things,  and went out to lunch together.  This activity surprised me. Because in the past, and all that distant past, I would have been absorbed in a book, my phone,  what have you...

I don't know if it's subconsciously getting ready for my new job,  my maturity coming through, or just me continuing to do things that scare me.

Whatever the case,  it made what would have been a full boring day a bit more fun.

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