Saturday, December 31, 2016

Merry Christmas.

First things first, Christmas this year sucked.  Due to several reasons, the first being that I have been out of work for about 4 months,  and all my money went to keeping this household afloat.  Something that the other adults in the household should be contributing to. Aside from my girlfriend (and she hates to be called that)  B who buys the majority of food for us, I pay 100% of the rest of the bills. But I digress, I didn't have money to buy gifts and of course no one else did either. So all we bad were stocking stuffers.  Quite a let down ftom previous years.  Not that I (or any other family member) really needed any more material things.

Ths second reason was that I wasn't able to spend it with W.  Due to our schedules, we didn't get to talk during our commutes since her un-BF took her on a trip to San Diego for a couple of days. I finally had a chance to to talk with W for a couple of hours via phone on Christmas day, but couldn't see her. That was sad, but we had a date planned for a couple of days later where I would be able to see her.

Lastly, B had to work both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  So there wasn't really any time for her to enjoy the holiday. And I was in charge of the Christmas dinner. This was not a problem, as for the most part we ordered Christmas dinner from the same place we did Thanksgiving dinner. Exchanging ghe turkey for a glazed ham. Which meant that I also had to make some cornish game hens for B's daughter N & her boyfriend C since N doesn't eat pork or beef.

No big deal I've cooked them before with good results. Since I was warming up the sides at the same time, I cooked the hens and sides at 400° as opposed to the 350 called for, I also added extra time.

Everything was ready when B got home from work.  She double checked the birds and called them done as well.  We thought finally something going ok.  But then N cut into her bird and saw some pink. Thst was it.  She threw a shit fit and refused to eat anything, said she didn't like the sides from the place and went to her room.  B at least called her out on her attitude and tried to salvage the meal for her by trying to finish the hens in the microwave.

I felt bad for C, since he was caught unawares and in the middle of this tirade.  I don't know if he will be able to survive her.  He's a sweet kid,  but roped himself to a demon. B's oldest son R looked at us and said "I am not doing this again next year.".  I thought to myself you and me both.

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