Sunday, November 6, 2016

Road trip...

With all the conflicting emotions I'm going through right now I felt I needed something to help ground me a bit.  So I took a road trip to Arizona to see my sons and spend some time with them.

This was the first trip out to see them when I wasn't on a time schedule of any kind, so I decided to take a side trip to the Salton Sea and try and get some photos of it. The Salton Sea is one of those places I've wanted to go, but never got around to it, either because I didn't have the time, or it just slipped my mind when I did, or I was just too damn lazy to make the drive.

I did no preparation and had no idea what to expect except decay, and water. I got a few shots that I liked, but while walking back to my car, I stepped on a spot and immediately sunk to my knees in muck. Horrid putrid muck.... My sandals basically fell apart and I had to walk back to car barefoot, and covered in this crap. My legs were scratched up and I was fortunate that there was an RV that had come to take a look at the same area and they let me hose off my legs. Their dogs had rolled around in some dead stuff, so they were also being hosed off. I drove to a couple of gas stations to get the rest of the muck off of me. It's not easy trying to wash your legs and feet in a gas station bathroom sink.

I also visited Imperial Sand Dunes. Pretty neat places.  I'll try and hit up Salton Sea on my way home as there's a lot I didn't see there.

When I rolled into my my AirBnB I immediately took a shower to  get the rest off. and spent time with my kids.

Go see Doctor Strange in 3D, if not IMAX 3D. It is the type of movie that demands it. Plotwise it's an origin story and reminded me a bit of the first Iron Man. But it was good.

My GF was not happy that I took this trip, especially with no income coming in, and I don't blame her. But it's been too long since I spent any real time with my boys. One of them has a girlfriend and I really wanted to meet her. She's sweet, and I think being in a relationship is helping my son a lot.

For some reason my girlfriend has problems with me hanging out with my kids at my ex-wife's house. She doesn't get that any anger and resentment I had over our divorce and subsequent court battle of alimony and child support is water under the bridge and totally burnt out of me. My ex is for most parts a genuinely nice person who always welcomes visitors to her home. We did it when we were married, and she's continued to do so. I've stayed at her home when visiting in the past.

There's zero interest of any further relationship on either of our parts, Hell she's been married for over 20 years. I don't get my GF's being upset at me. She's know my ex for over 30 years as well. She didn't have a lot to do with her over most of that time.

I remain on a friendly basis with most of my ex's I feel that if I loved them enough to marry them why can't we remain friends after the marriage is over. They're still the same person for the most part, as am I.

I don't know, am I unique in this aspect of remaining friends with exes? I'd love to hear from anyone about this.

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